A Veteran In The Courtroom

If you’ve been charged with a crime, a traffic offense, or a driving under the influence (DUI) violation, you need a strong advocate. As a criminal defense attorney and Army veteran, I have personally defended hundreds of cases for clients just like you. No case is too big or small.

Fighting For Will And DuPage County Residents

DUI Defense

Drug Defense

Domestic Violence

Gun Defense

Traffic Violations

Sex Crimes

Attorney Peter George O'Connor

About Me,
Peter George O’Connor

Founding Attorney

As a criminal defense attorney and Army veteran, I have personally handled nearly every criminal case imaginable. I know the strategies used by prosecutors and, more importantly, I know how to defend against them. When looking for a lawyer, you need aggressive and experienced counsel to successfully defend your rights.

Prior to starting my firm, I worked for a nationally recognized private criminal defense and DUI attorney. During that time, I represented hundreds of individuals facing the criminal justice system, license suspensions, jail, etc.

All my courtroom experience comes from private practice – I’ve had to earn my clients’ trust and respect.
I’ve never worked for the government.

Offering Attentive, Aggressive Services For High-Stakes Cases

Facing the criminal justice system in Illinois can be scary and overwhelming. You might feel like you don’t have a chance and that things are hopeless. Fortunately, there is hope for you. I am attorney Peter O’Connor, and I am a staunch local advocate for the criminally accused. When you retain me at my firm, PGO Law Firm, you can be confident that I will use my deep insight to protect your rights throughout the legal process.

Whether you have been arrested for a drug crime, driving under the influence (DUI), or assault and battery, it will be crucial to have a proven criminal defense lawyer in your corner who knows how to handle such high-stakes cases. It is also vital to partner with a legal ally who will take steps to ensure that you are treated fairly in and out of court. My vast understanding of the law and familiarity with criminal court procedures will help put you in an a more advantageous position.

I Will Put My Experience To Work For You

Following an arrest, it is in your best interests to consult with a qualified attorney with credentials and a track record of success. I more than fit that bill. Over the years, I have proven to be a tireless advocate for my clients who goes above and beyond to build a strategic defense.

Some of my milestones include:

  • Service in the United States Army
  • Membership in the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL)
  • Membership in the National College for DUI Defense (NCDD)
  • Years of experience working under a recognized private criminal defense attorney

With this assortment of accomplishments, I have earned a respected reputation among my peers and clients.

Attorney Peter George O'Connor

I have years of experience defending the rights of the accused and am ready to defend your rights next. Remember that the law says that you are innocent until proven guilty. You do have the right to fight back against the charges with legal representation. As my client, you will get to work directly with skilled lawyer who will use his knowledge, resources and connections to defend you with tact and sophistication.

National Association Of Criminal Defense Lawyers
The National Trial Lawyers | Top 40 Under 40
Avvo | 10.0 Superb | Top Attorney
National College for DUI Defense | MCMXCV | General Member
IACDL | Illinois Association Of Criminal Defense Lawyers

Contact My Office Today

PGO Law Firm

Get A Defense That Does Not Rest